
My Business Motto: Put People First

Kate Dye shares her business motto of putting people first

After years as a wedding and portrait photographer here in Charleston, I’ve come to realize that my business motto is what truly drives me each day. I’ve learned that putting people first will lead to success, every single time, no matter what your vision of success is. So, today, I wanted to share how exactly to achieve this every single day in your own business. 

Why Putting People First Matters

I’m what I like to call an “accidental” business owner. This wasn’t always what I dreamed about. But now that I’m here, I can’t imagine doing anything else. One thing I’ve learned, though, is that none of us really have it all together when it comes to our businesses. And that honestly, to get it all together, takes time. A lot of time. However, it takes no effort to love people well and take care of them. And I truly believe that my taking care of my clients and their experience first has allowed me to build the business that I have today. 

First time business owners, let’s talk for a second. When you start your business, there’s a lot to do. There’s systems to build, websites to create, workflows to put together, and so much more. Not to mention learning to market and blog, and don’t even get me started on SEO. But, I want to encourage you – as important as all of that stuff is, the people you’re serving matters the most. Think about it, if you give someone a killer experience but never blog, who cares? They’ll rave about you anyway. But if you only worry about the blog and forget to serve your client well, that’s going to hurt you in the long run. 

I promise you, start with the people. The rest will come together in due time. But serving your people cannot wait. And truly, I’m proof that when you lead with your heart and put people first, success will follow.

Ready to start gathering reviews about how your client experience feels? Grab my 5 tips to getting better client reviews below!

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Charleston wedding photographer serving big-hearted couples, photography educator serving my #rideordyestudent crew, and mom of two serving Chick-fil-A more than I'd like to admit.



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