


The setting of any wedding day plays a huge part in the entire feeling of the day, and in the case of Allyssa and Brian’s wedding, the meaning behind where they chose to pledge their lives to each other was especially special. You see, they were married in the back yard of the home they recently purchased together. On a site that will hold countless memories for their family over the years to come, Allyssa and Brian made perhaps the most meaningful memory of all. The memory of vowing themselves to each other.
The effort the two of them had put in to planning every last detail of this day was evident, and it was filled with beautiful and sentimental touches. One of my favorites of those was the embroidered handkerchief Allyssa gifted her mother moments before she was set to walk down the aisle. It was meant to wipe away tears she may have that day, and it was needed from the moment she opened in, when tears in fact did spring to her eyes. And in that room, it wasn’t just her.
“The thing I love most about you is that you’re always willing to go on an adventure with me.” This sentimental moment was heard not once, but twice during Allyssa and Brian’s wedding ceremony. Their officiant had asked both of them separately to list a few things that they each loved most about the other person. And BOTH Allyssa and Brian came up with one of the SAME EXACT answers. If that isn’t a sign that these two are made to last, I’m not sure what is.
Allyssa and Brian, I am so thankful for your trust in me to be the keeper of your very first family heirlooms. It is an honor that is not lost on me, and I am grateful for the two of you for bestowing it upon me. Your day was absolutely beautiful, but more than that so is your love for one another! Cheers Mr. and Mrs. McClanahan!!!
Vendor Love:

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