

It’s crazy to think that just over a week and a half ago the spring wedding season here in Charleston (and everywhere) came to a screeching halt, as Covid-19 changed our daily lives as we know it for the foreseeable future. I am so happy I was able to sneak in one last wedding day before it all stopped, and even happier that my last one for now was Cori and Zach’s because it was a day that was filled with color, filled with fun, and filled with love.
All brides are happy on the day of their wedding, but you’ll see in these images that there was more than happiness radiating from Cori. There was an undeniable joy, and it was written all over her face. From the moment I entered her getting ready suite at The Gadsden House in Downtown Charleston, to the last seconds of her night, as Zach and her ran through a sea of bubbles on the way to their getaway car, it was evident. It was a smile that just couldn’t be contained, and it makes these images so darn fun. And let’s be honest. With all the craziness of what is going on in the world it’s what we need right now!
During the speeches portion of the night, Zach’s dad quoted Winston Churchill and said, “You make a living off of what you get. You make a life of what you give.” This struck me so much in the moment, but even more so now. And being in the courtyard of the Gadsden House that evening it was clear that Cori and Zach are two people who give a lot to those around them. It was evident by the love permeating through the evening, and it was beautiful to see.
Cori and Zach, thank you for allowing me in on this journey and for making your day so much fun to document. The two of you both awesome people and I couldn’t be more thankful that if this wedding season had to be cut short, at least it went out with a beautiful bang!
Vendor Love:

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Charleston wedding photographer serving big-hearted couples, photography educator serving my #rideordyestudent crew, and mom of two serving Chick-fil-A more than I'd like to admit.



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