Kerri and Kevin are officially and possibly always will be the #kdyecouple that booked me the furthest out from their wedding. You see, Kerri had been following me for a while on instagram and if I remember correctly, she DMed before here and Kevin were even engaged. I cannot tell you what an honor this is. When someone knows without a doubt that they’d like you to be the person behind the camera for them, It truly is one of the greatest feelings in the world. And with an extra long time to plan their wedding, it just meant and extra long time to become friends with Kerri and Kevin.
Back when we took their engagement photos late last year, we had to fight the rain and bust out the clear umbrellas. And when I showed up to their wedding at Southerlyn Farms, I had those same umbrellas in tow. With rain once again in the forecast, I knew we might need them. But in the end it only ended up raining for a few minutes and we were spared any huge downpours. When I say Kerri also had the best attitude about the entire thing and trusted me to do what was best to get her and Kevin beautiful photos, I truly do mean it. And Kerri, that also mean the world to me.
Kerri and Kevin had a beautiful day planned, and even included all FOUR of their dogs! Yes, four!! During their ceremony the dogs who were in the getting ready cottage started to bark. It was if they knew their mom and dad were in the middle of tying the knot and wanted their presence to be known. I seriously thought it was one of the cutest ceremony moments ever.
Kerri and Kevin, I mean it wholeheartedly when I say you have a friend for life in me. Kerri, don’t expect to get rid of me in your instagram DMs anytime soon. I want to thank you both for being so much fun, so easy going to work with, so trusting of me, and so in love that you made my job so completely easy. There’s no one I would rather chase off the rain with. Here’s to you, Mr. and Mrs. Dawson! I wish you so much happiness, so much love, so much good fortune, and so much of everything good that life has too offer.
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Beautiful pictures! It was an amazing night!