

Dear Hudson,

Another year has passed and I can’t quite wrap my head around how big you are growing or how fast time seems to be passing. Every single cliche about the years flying by are so incredibly true that there’s a reason they’ve become those cliches.
This year we watched you transition into the role of big brother like you were made for the job. From the second you walked into the hospital to meet Beckham, you loved him like you’d never spent a day without him by your side. You kiss him every single day, multiple times a day. It’s a game for you to try to make him laugh, and there’s no one who can make him laugh harder than you. You many not like it when he goes after your toys, but you reluctantly share them anyway. Watching what a good brother you are with him now makes me excited for the future. Because if you continue to love him in the way you do now there’s no doubt in my mind he’ll always be one of the most important people in your life.
You are just as OBSESSED with Batman this year as you were last. But now it’s expanded from just Batman to the entire super hero realm. Iron Man, Hulk, Spiderman, Captain America, the list goes on. I never dreamed of playing super heroes with a little boy or having to pretend I am a villain nearly every day of my life, but if super hero is what you want, than you better believe I’m going to find the best dang Cat Woman costume I can for Halloween and give it my all.
I’m so incredibly proud of how you’ve taken on so many new things this year including swimming lessons with Miss Libby, soccer, and your favorite Bananas Over Books. It may pain Daddy to realize you’re more into books than sports for the time being, but all I want in life for you is to find what makes you happy, and right now, that’s it. You have the BEST memory of anyone we know, and it’s kind of crazy the random details of events you can remember. I wouldn’t be surprised if years from now you end of on Jeopardy because it’s really that insane how much you can remember.
Hudson, you are kind, and caring, and funny, and smart, and you have just about the sweetest soul I can imagine. You (and your brother) are the reason I try to be a better person each and every day. You teach me more about life than I could ever possibly teach you. Thank you for being my son and allowing me to love in ways I never could possibly have imagined prior to you being born. Happy Fourth Birthday to my favorite little super hero.

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