

Sometimes the beach is just calling your name. In the case of Catherine and Taylor, that was 100% true. Both grew up near the water, Catherine in Annapolis and Taylor in Cape Cod, so when it came time to attend college, both knew they wanted to be close to a beach. And although there are a ton of schools that would fit that description, lucky for them, both Catherine and Taylor ended up at Coastal University. Just friends at first, Taylor asked Catherine to dinner which she at first thought was strange, but eventually giving in, these two have been inseparable ever since.

So when it came time for engagement photos, it just made sense to head to the beach. We scheduled a time at Pawley’s Island, where they spend a lot of time as a couple these days, but unfortunately, the weather was just not on our side. After not once, not twice, but THREE times of rescheduling, we finally got to meet up. And man was it worth it. Not just because of the cotton candy colored skies we were gifted, but because Catherine and Taylor are SO much fun. These two are playful with each other, can make each other laugh, and their smiles are so genuine. Taylor kept us laughing the entire time, and I know their wedding day will be the same. Catherine and Taylor, I am so thankful to be on this journey with you. Thank you for allowing me into your lives to be a small part of this exciting season with you! I can’t wait until October 30 at Lowndes Grove!

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Charleston wedding photographer serving big-hearted couples, photography educator serving my #rideordyestudent crew, and mom of two serving Chick-fil-A more than I'd like to admit.



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