
A Better Way to Ask for Reviews

A better way to ask for reviews: Kate Dye, photography educator, shares how leading questions can be the best way to get gushing reviews

Asking for reviews from our clients can be scary, right? What if they say something bad? Or they don’t say enough? Here’s the thing about gathering these testimonials: we have the power to help our clients build a powerful statement. Most of us just don’t realize that! We, the photographers, have a better way to ask for reviews. And the secret? It’s all about how you ask!

When you send your email or message asking a client to leave a review, don’t leave it open ended and just say “Can you leave me a review?”. Instead, think about some specific questions that you can offer them as a way to guide what they write. This helps them guide their thoughts, and likely, be more interested in writing for you.

A few examples of my favorite questions are:

How did you feel when you opened your gallery and got to relive your wedding day?

When I look at my images, I feel… 

Working with Kate was… 

My favorite part of working with Kate was… 

As you can see, these questions are meant to help clients narrow down their thoughts and have an idea about what to write about. Since I’ve started using leading questions/statements, I’ve seen a huge improvement  in the quality of my reviews. Now, I have beautiful, gushing reviews to share on my website, client guide, and social media. These reviews help share more about my client experience than I could ever hope to. That’s why testimonials are so powerful! 

This easy change to how you ask for reviews will be life changing!! Trust me! Your Ride or Dye clients are ready to start sharing about you – give them the chance to! And if you want more tips on how to get better reviews, grab my FREE guide: “5 Simple Steps for Getting Better Client Reviews.” 

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Charleston wedding photographer serving big-hearted couples, photography educator serving my #rideordyestudent crew, and mom of two serving Chick-fil-A more than I'd like to admit.



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