The snuggles. The feel of that silky smooth skin. The anticipation after waiting a long nine months to count those ten fingers and ten toes. There are not many things better in this world than welcoming a new baby into it, so my entire family was absolutely thrilled to watch my brother, John and sister-in-law, Kristie welcome their baby girl, Angelina Grace Murphy two weeks early on February 24, 2018. With a full head of brown hair, and big beautiful eyes, she came out looking just as precious as we had all imagined. Named after Kristie’s grandmother, Angelina quickly captured our hearts.
Now anyone who has followed my photography journey knows that I tried my hand at newborn photography a year or two ago, and let me be the first to say… it is HARD!! So much so that I decided it was not something I was going to specialize in, especially knowing so many other talented photographers who really know their stuff when it comes to newborn photography whom I can recommend to friends. However, I made a special exception for my family, and I did my best to capture the best photos I could for them before quickly heading back to my comfort zone of weddings.
What has been even more amazing over the past month and change has been watching my brother and sister-in-law quickly adapt to their role as new parents, taking on the challenges of life with a newborn with grace, especially with the curveball that little sleep plays as a factor. I always knew they would make great parents when the time came, but seeing it play out has been so much fun and I am so proud of them already.
Angelina, it’s safe to say we are all smitten with you, especially your cousin Hudson who asks me when we’re going on a plane to New Jersey again on an almost daily basis. We can’t wait to watch you grow and flourish in front of us, and know that your Aunt Kate is hear for you whenever you need it!! We love you Angelina!
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