I still remember going to Jayme’s dorm room for the very first time nearly 14 years ago to get ready to go out for the night after just getting in the same sorority at Virginia Tech. We’d go on to spend countless other nights together as roommates two years later, so there are not many college memories that don’t include this beautiful lady. A few years later I stood by her as a bridesmaid when she married Shawn and she did the same for me a year later. So watching them grow to a family of three with the adorable Violet and now soon-to-be a family of four has been pretty special.
Our afternoon together didn’t even feel like a photo shoot, bur really just did feel like we were hanging out. The beautiful neighborhood of Willowsford in Aldie was such a picturesque background to take these photos and Jayme really is the epitome of a glowing mom-to-be. I can’t wait to tell more of their story when baby boy Ward makes his arrival next month!
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