Sometimes in life, you need a Take Two. And that’s exactly what happened when we tried to meet to capture their family photos steps away from the beach house the were renting for vacation on Isle of Palms. They were dressed to impressed and ready to go, but unfortunately moments later the sky opened up and rained down on us with no signs of stopping anytime soon. Total bummer. Fear not though, Courtney, Madeline, Trey, Jim, Terri, Eric, Amy, Kate and Caroline, assured me they were up to try again the following night.
When I showed up the next evening to go for that take two, the whole crew looked even more put together and ready to go. Most impressive with four kids under the age of ten. We spent a fun filled night walking around the beach and in the water. The kids had me laughing from their goofiness, and the parents could not have been nicer. They were certainly bringing their own brand of southern charm from Tennessee to our home of South Carolina.
Courtney, I am so happy you decided to reach out to me to ask me to capture these sweet family vacation memories for you. I can only hope to do the same with my own family one day. And when I do, I hope they are just as much fun, just as willing to be flexible, and just as kind as all of you!
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