It’s pretty rare that I get nervous before shoots anymore these days, but if there’s anytime I’m going to feel a little nervous it’s when I am shooting another photographer’s photos. So when Karen reached out to me to ask about anniversary photos for her and Chris while they were in town visiting Charleston, I immediately got a little nervous. But as soon as I met these two downtown, all those nerves faded away. Because both Karen and Chris were SO easy to talk to, that it was impossible to do anything but have fun with these two.
Our time together also gave way to a pretty funny incident, as a resident of a downtown house we were shooting in front of came out to talk with us and immediately recognized me from a few weeks before when let’s just a say a little bit of confetti was left behind in his back alley. It gave us all something to laugh about as we quickly made our way to a new spot, and I still have not been back to that alley haha!
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