I will never forget the day I found out one of my best friends was expecting twins. We were in the process of getting ready to put our house on the market to move to Charleston, and I got a phone call from Allison telling me she had something to tell me and asking me to put her on speaker phone with Tyler and myself. I told her we had a man inventorying our house for the movers and that I would call her back, but she insisted on telling us her news right then. So there in my kitchen, Allison told Tyler, Rick (the mover) and me the news that she was expecting twins. And to say she sounded a little nervous is an understatement. When I hung up, Rick couldn’t help but laugh.
Fast forward to a few months later when we actually moved down here, right around the time she was starting to show. No longer nervous, that had faded away into excitement, and I watched as Allison and Trevor prepare over the next six months for their babies. I was there every step of the way documenting their gender reveal, baby shower, and maternity photos, which quite literally helped me rebuild my business down here.
I have never seen someone be so diligent in her research and preparedness, so it shouldn’t have surprised me that when Maverick and Nash made their big debut a year ago, despite how incredibly challenging two babies at one time must be, Allison has made it look easy. Even when I am sure the days were longer than they could imagine, from the outside it looked like she and Trevor had it all together. In that way it’s not only been so much fun watching Maverick develop into a little blue eyed lover with quite the serious face and Nash into a mischievous trickster with a glimmer in his eye and a penchant for climbing on anything and everything, but also watching Allison and Trevor turn into two truly amazing parents.
Happy First Birthday, Maverick and Nash! We couldn’t be more excited to have two future best friends for our little dudes right down the street, and can’t wait for all the boyhood adventures we’ll go on together, which I am sure will include monster trucks, wrestling, and all sorts of crazy shenanigans that go along with raising little guys. The Dye family loves you so much and can’t wait to watch you grow up! And to Allison and Trevor, YOU MADE IT!!
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